When I see these types of stories since Chimpy stole our government, it almost drives me MAD with rage. He has ZERO knowledge about science, and should not be allowed to make decisions about subject matter way over his head.
I’ve spent a 30 year career enforcing environmental protection programs, only to now observe this AWOL chickenhawk come out of a cocaine/alcohol stupor and upset everything that has been accomplished since the first Earth Day in 1970.
Please take the time to write to the USFWS and your congressional reps. Don’t let this serial liar Bush use 911 to get his way with this issue also. Thanks.
(A zoo victim receiving treatment)Bush Administration Set to Gut Endangered Species Act on Behalf of U.S. Circus, Zoo, Trophy Hunting and Aquarium Industries Letters are urgently needed from across the U.S. and around the world to oppose a proposal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to water down protections for endangered species. Citing specific facts, information or experts on why this is a bad proposal would be helpful.
The FWS has proposed to make it legal to allow circuses, zoos, trophy hunting operations and others to be able to buy endangered species (dead and alive) from range countries. This upside-down policy basically says that killing or selling endangered animals will help to fund "conservation." The reality is that change in policy will encourage poaching and the trade of endangered animals and will do nothing to protect any animals.Below are talking points and background information.
The FWS proposal can be read at:
http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/14mar20010800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2003/03-20941.htmYour letters are urgently needed before October 17 to stop the FWS from rolling back the clock on endangered species protection.
Capitulating to intense lobbying efforts by the zoo, circus and trophy hunting industries, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) is attempting to significantly weaken the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Its recently-published "Draft Policy for Enhancement-of-Survival Permits for Foreign Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act" would essentially allow zoos and circuses to buy exotic endangered species, such as Asian elephants, by simply claiming that the money spent to purchase the animals would be used for "conservation" efforts.
Similarly, the proposed policy change would allow the FWS to issue permits to trophy hunters who wish to gun down endangered species, such as the Canadian wood bison, if they claim that the animals are from a "managed population" where conservation measures are in place. It would also allow the import of endangered animal parts, such as the skins of endangered crocodiles, if similar claims were made.
This proposed policy change represents a major gutting of the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). If the captive display industry and the hunting lobby get its way, animals endangered in foreign lands will no longer be protected from harm and exploitation by commercial interests in the United States.
Comments on this disastrous policy are due October 17.
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Please write today!
Chief, Division of Management Authority
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Rm. 700
Arlington, VA 22203
703-358-2280 (fax)
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http://www.elephants.com/endangered_species_act.htmP.S. Watch the elephants live on the ELECAM. I particularly like watching in the afternoon they go swimming in their pond, or at dusk when their sanctuary is invaded by the local white tail deer herds.On Edit: (Looks like the ELECAM is having technical difficulties this morning, check back later)
http://www.elephants.com/index.htmlThis pResidency will go down in history as an abberation and a dark moment in our nations history --- Let's stop him cold on any more assaults on the environment.