Fuel Cells 2000’s New Fuel Cell Directory is Here!
The Eighth Edition of Fuel Cells 2000’s Fuel Cell Directory is here, and at 241 pages with 1,085 listings, it is the perfect tool for anyone involved or interested in the fuel cell and hydrogen industry. Since the last edition in 2002, Fuel Cells 2000 added more than 500 new companies and updated current listings with new contacts and information. Fuel Cells 2000 has also deleted more than 300 listings. Entries include address, phone number, email, company URLs, stock symbols, investor, sales, media and human resource contacts, and the name of the President or CEO, as well as a description of the company and current research projects. To make searching easier, the Directory is indexed by contact name, fuel cell type and company type.
The printed Eighth Edition of the Fuel Cell Directory costs $125.00. Non-profit organizations, college and university libraries, and news outlets may request a free PDF copy of the Fuel Cell Directory. Electronic versions of the Directory are available on CD-ROM in MSExcel or MSAccess format for $500.00 for unlimited use.
http://www.fuelcells.org/directoryorderform.pdf New Surveys Available at Fuel Cell Today.
Fuel Cell Today has several new surveys available at www.fuelcelltoday.com. The 2004 Fuel Cell Bus Survey, Small Stationary Applications and Large Stationary Applications.
The Transportation Fuel Cell Supply Chain.
ABI Research has released a new study, The Transportation Fuel Cell Supply Chain: a Global Analysis of Materials, Components and Unit Shipments, that forecasts a billion dollar supply chain for the automotive fuel cell industry.
http://www.abiresearch.com/reports/AFSC.htmlPalcan Opens Manufacturing Facility in China.
Palcan Power Systems has opened its Shanghai manufacturing facility in the Shanghai Tongji Nanhui Science and Technology Industrial Park. The new facility enables Palcan a low cost, supply chain for China and opens up significant opportunities for both further funding from the Government of China and participation in the many fuel cell programs that are in various planning stages throughout China. Palcan expects to begin manufacturing its fuel cell stacks and power modules in March 2005.
http://www.palcan.com/s/Home.asp CONFERENCES
For a complete list of conferences, please go to
http://www.fuelcells.org/news/conf.html. Emerging Fuel Cell Technology with Global Implications.
The Emerging Fuel Cell Technology with Global Implications conference will be held January 10-11, 2005, at the MITRE Corporation in McLean, Virginia. For information, please contact Gretchen Schneider Garcia at gschneider@mitre.org.
Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle Conference.
The Clean Heavy Duty Vehicle Conference 2005 will be held February 22-24, 2005, at La Quinta Resort, La Quinta, California. For details, please go to
http://www.calstart.org. Asia Power 2005.
Asia Power 2005 will be held March 1-3, 2005, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Singapore. For more information on Asia Power 2005, please visit
http://www.terrapinn.com/2005/ap%5FSG/. Hydrogen Expo USA 2005.
Hydrogen Expo USA 2005 is being held in conjunction with the National Hydrogen Association's Annual Conference from March 29-April 1, 2005, at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. For more information, please go to
http://www.hydrogenexpo.com/. Hannover Fair '05.
The International Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Group Exhibit, Hannover Fair '05, will be held April 11-15, 2005. More information is available at:
http://www.fair-pr.com/ or by email arno@fair-pr.com.
Lucerne FUEL CELL FORUM 2005.
Two International fuel cell conferences, Fuel Cells for a Sustainable World and the 3rd European Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Forum, will be held July 4–8, 2005, at the Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern in Lucerne, Switzerland. For registration information, please visit
http://www.efcf.com/. Ninth Grove Fuel Cell Symposium.
The Ninth Grove Fuel Cell Symposium will take place October 4-6, 2005, at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London, UK. For details, please go to
http://www.grovefuelcell.com. Renewable Energies China.
Renewable Energies China including Hydrogen + Fuel Cells will be held November 10-15, 2005, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, Pudong, Shanghai, China. For information, check out
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