Another reminder of the many costs of imported oil: This week a tanker carrying crude oil from Venezuela spilled more than 30,000 gallons of the stuff into the Delaware River near Philadelphia. Thousands of ducks and geese were coated in oil that leaked from a gash in the Greek-owned ship. Five hundred birds were already dead as rescuers took more oil soaked animals to a nearby wildlife preserve. The Coast Guard has set up miles of protective booms around the ship and at 12 places where the river meets smaller creeks in an effort to contain the environmental damage.
The more we ignore renewable energy and conservation, the more tankers will come into our bays and rivers, risking more accidents. In case anyone's missing the point here, the 30,000 gallons of imported crude oil that spilled would have refined enough gasoline for just 13 people to drive their Hummers this year.
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