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LAT: Governors Seek Easing of Endangered Species Act

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mountebank Donating Member (755 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 04:09 PM
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LAT: Governors Seek Easing of Endangered Species Act
This is cross-posted from California forum.... Probably a little more applicable here.

The leaders of Western states meet in La Jolla to discuss how to lessen the federal law's effects on commerce and landowners.

Governors Seek Easing of Endangered Species Act

By Julie Cart and Kenneth R. Weiss, Times Staff Writers

LA JOLLA — Western governors gathered here Friday to plan with the Bush administration and members of Congress how to change the Endangered Species Act, the 31-year-old law they say has imposed costly hardships on the energy industry, developers, loggers and property owners.

Moreover, they contend, the act has failed in its core mission. Though it has saved a number of plant and animal species from extinction, it has helped restore only a few of them to healthy populations.

"Just about everybody agrees the Endangered Species Act is broken," said Rep. Richard Pombo, a Tracy, Calif., cattleman turned chairman of the House Resources Committee. "The only way you are going fix it is with legislative change.",1...

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Wonder how Arnie will fall on this one. The article portrayed him as non-commital. However, I think his decision to allow Clinton's roadless rule to die probably doesn't bode well. You'd think Maria would keep him in line re: environmental protection. Actually, the environment is one area I held some hope Arnold would be more liberal.
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Lorien Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 04:40 PM
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1. "costly hardships"
those will be endured by all species and ecosystems-not to mention future generations-if the rethugs get their way on this one.

Once again; short term profits and convenience for the rich over the welfare of the planet and humanity!
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baby_bear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 11:53 PM
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2. Not all western governors are on board with this
Not all Western governors shared the view that the law has not worked.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat, shifted uncomfortably while his fellow governors heaped on criticism. "My view is that we don't need a major overhaul of the Endangered Species Act," he said later. "We need some tinkering; we need some readjustments. I think the act works."
For his part, Schwarzenegger was noncommittal in his welcoming remarks to the governors.
No mention of the 5 other Democratic governors (besides Richardson) who belong to the 18-member Western Governors Association.

Where are the others?


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