Small step in a better direction. Always astounded that I didn't see solar panels
everywhere in Tucson. This is a good step, reach the kids and maybe a few will be inspired to look away from traditional power plants and build better systems. Might also start some dinner table chats when the kids take the enthusiasm home. Maybe more parents will start to ask why solar can't be made easier to install/use. More interest could mean more pressure on the current (you should pardon the pun) power mongers to change their ways ;)<snip> Six Tucson schools will have solar energy systems installed over the next year to both save money on their electrical bills and teach students about renewable energy.
<snip> Hohokam Middle School, in the Tucson Unified District, flipped the switch on its new system Wednesday.
<snip> Twenty-eight silver-colored solar panels glinted in the sun. They sat atop the canopy covering the exterior walkway to the science wing.
<snip> "Many students don't know what solar panels look like, which is a travesty given we live in an area where the sun shines year-round," said Hohokam science teacher Ariana Wilder. "We can discuss directly how they'll benefit us in the school."
At this time when the news is so bad, I really needed this tiny bit of good news. When we can ignite the minds of a few young people, we might just help the world along in the right direction. Hope it brightens your week too.