EU fisheries policy 'an outrage'
By Alex Kirby
BBC News Online environment correspondent
"The UK's premier scientific body has now thrown its weight behind efforts to save Europe's declining fish stocks. The Royal Society, Britain's national academy of science, says European Union politicians are gambling with the health of the remaining European fish.
It accuses the politicians of ignoring sound science in continuing to set catch quotas above sustainable levels.
In a submission to the consultation by the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit on UK Fisheries, the society says Europe's fish stocks are on the brink of collapse. Cod and haddock are now less than half their strength (of) 30 years ago, with North Sea cod at their lowest recorded leve. Yet EU ministers are agreeing higher quotas for the fleets than the scientists suggest are safe, the submission says.
(Ed. - RS vice-president) Professor Bateson told BBC News Online: 'It's tough for the crews, really tough. But if you take the wonderful Newfoundland fishery, the industry said that was fine, and then it collapsed.'"