Jason McCabe Calacanis
Posted November 30, 2008 | 06:36 PM (EST)
Today, Randall Stross takes apart Tesla Motors' request for a $400m government loan in an illogical, factually incorrect editorial that screams of a "Kill The Affluent!" ethos that spreads every time the market crashes. Putting aside the issue of bailouts--which many of you know I'm against--let's look at Stross' reasoning.
According to Stross, Tesla shouldn't get a *loan* because:
1. According to the title: "Only the Rich Can Afford It."
2. Battery pack life isn't moving fast enough: "But 8 percent, compounded, would bring too few benefits, too late to Tesla: it would take nine years to halve the price of its battery pack."
3. Randy says there is no upside to the loan: "Can you conceive any way that federal dollars could be put at greater risk -- and for no equity in return, keep in mind -- to benefit fewer people?"
4. Stross says the Tesla isn't ready for prime time: "its all-electric technology remains woefully immature and don't-even-ask expensive" and "The Roadster is not much more than a functioning concept car that sells for $109,000."
These points are all, well, somewhere between short-sighted and outright false, leading me to think that Randy's big problem with a *loan* to Tesla is that he needs to write a piece that appeals to the short-term sentiment of the country right now ("damn the billionaires!") rather than one that pursues the actual truth. Car technology needs to advance, and the best place for that to happen in in Silicon Valley. If the government is going to give loans to any car companies, it should be the ones that have the best chance of successfully innovating, not the losers who haven't competed for decades.
So, let's take a moment to fisk* Randy's story:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jason-mccabe-calacanis/on-bailouts-and-sports-ca_b_147261.htmlGood stuff. I read the NYT article and was appalled by it.