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The Next Disaster - As Drug Gangs Battle Gov., Oil Output, Income Plummet In Mexico

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 01:24 PM
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The Next Disaster - As Drug Gangs Battle Gov., Oil Output, Income Plummet In Mexico
Edited on Thu Dec-04-08 01:28 PM by hatrack

You can forgive Rodríguez for thinking so. This year, through mid-November, there have been 4,300-plus drug-related deaths in Mexico, compared with 2,500 in 2007. Edgar Millán Gómez, who oversaw the joint efforts of the army and federal police, was assassinated in May in his home in Mexico City. Roberto Velasco Bravo, a federal chief of criminal investigations, was shot in the head a week earlier. The narcotraficantes have infiltrated the highest levels of law enforcement, including, allegedly, Mexico's principal link to Interpol and its former senior drug czar. Mexico, once again, is battling the ever powerful gangs. "It has been a fierce bloodbath," says Felipe González González, president of the Senate public security commission and former governor of the central state of Aguascalientes. "We have more dead than you have in Iraq."

Is Mexico descending into criminal and economic chaos? "Failed state? That is a very irresponsible remark," bristles Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico's ambassador to the U.S. "The challenge of corruption is being taken on. We are rooting out people who have been infiltrated. Look at the role of the Mexican private sector and civil society. Nowhere can you see signs of anything akin to a failed state." But there is urgent concern north of the border about a potential strategic threat. "We're fixated on Iraq and Afghanistan, but from a homeland security perspective, right here on our border, isn't this more important?" asks Fred Burton, a former State Department counterterrorism official, now a vice president at Stratfor in Austin, Tex.


The explosion of narco terror comes alongside a precipitous drop in oil prices and the crushing effects of a deep U.S. recession. The climate of fear is kicking the life out of the economy. The second wave of the global financial crisis is playing out in the developing world--and right on our doorstep. After expanding by 3.2% in 2007 to $900 billion, Mexico's GDP growth will slow to 1.5% this year and tumble to somewhere between zero and 0.7% in 2009, predicts Raúl Feliz, an economist at CIDE, a Mexico City think tank that specializes in economics and politics. While some of that meager expansion will come from government stimulus spending, its hands are tightly tied because state-owned oil monopoly Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos) contributes 37%--$80 billion in 2008--of federal revenue. Next year analysts expect a plunge in petrodollars. Unemployment will jump from its current 4.1%. Throw in part-time workers, who account for roughly one-third of GDP, and the jobless figure soars to 10%. Feliz expects that number to reach 12% next year.

Credit-rating agencies are taking notice. In November Fitch put Mexican government foreign and local currency debt on "negative outlook" (though the ratings are still investment grade). It said that Mexico's ability to absorb global shocks was limited. To say nothing of internal shocks. Eighty percent of Mexican exports--$240 billion this year, up 10% from 2007--go to the U.S., where shoppers aren't spending. You can see the effects in Ciudad Juárez, just across the border from El Paso, Tex. Roughly 223,000 people work at 330 companies in the maquiladora sector, assembling auto parts for the likes of Lear (nyse: LEA - news - people ) and Delphi (other-otc: DPHI.PK - news - people ), set-top boxes for Cisco (nasdaq: CSCO - news - people )'s Scientific Atlanta unit and medical devices for Johnson & Johnson (nyse: JNJ - news - people ), among others. But 22,000 people have lost maquiladora jobs this year, most of them since August, says Sandra Luz Montijo-Dubrule, president of the Maquiladora Association of Ciudad Juárez. "Seventy percent of our industry here is U.S.-owned factories. Now that the recession has hit, we don't have the consumers in the U.S.," she laments. Worse: Every maquiladora job supports four other jobs in the city.

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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 01:30 PM
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1. add 1 season of climate heating get ready for 100,000,000 new migrants but they wont take our jobs
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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 01:34 PM
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2. Very irresponsible remark!
I bet they represent it, too.
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 01:38 PM
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3. we should have invaded Mexico instead of Iraq if we wanted to build a Democracy, years ago the UN
Edited on Thu Dec-04-08 01:38 PM by sam sarrha
declared Mexico Morally Bankrupt and Democratically irretrievable.

not like anything here is new.

1963 my government teacher was talking about how bad Mexico was.. he said, what if it gets so bad down there they all move north.. will we machine gun them at the boarder to protect our own economy.?
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