Those of us who have actually done science know the difficulties of calibration. Frankly we have never known exactly what the sea level is and anyone who claims to know that it is not rising because "I trust NASA," is not making a scientific claim at all, but is rather merely expressing ignorance of how science is done.
Maybe you'd like to read all the sentences you like in this article and report back to us on what it says. is an article about calibration.
Now in the article referenced in the creation of this thread, in which you might be suspected of reading only the sentences you liked and none of those that you didn't like, and felt qualified to report about back here, there's all sorts of (irrelevant, I guess) stuff about big blocks of ice slipping and melting. Small matter, I guess, completely unrelated to the matter (which after all should be decided by dogma and not science) of the possibility that climate change might be happening.
In any case, Ayn Rand (famous, internationally known, scientifically illiterate idiot) would have found all that glacial slipping, sliding, bumping, and disappearing as beautiful as say, billboards and asphalt, and so, it's lovely, just lovely. (Ayn of course, was exempt from needing either eyes or workable synapses on the grounds she was a goddess and not a mere human.) In Rand-think (excuse the oxymoron) if we get those nasty glaciers off the landmasses, why we can find all sorts of new places to dig holes and pits where we can make to express our contempt for even the most primitive level of ethics. And if someone says that the disappearance of these glaciers and the ecosystems and river systems that they once fed is "climate change," why then we'll just selectively read some sentences in an article and say, "No it's not! Don't worry be happy! Plant a tree farm!"
Of course, if one has been going to the beach for 50 years, as I have, one can form a qualitative assessment of sea level by noticing the fact that beaches that used to be there are now missing.
Maybe I'm mistaken about those beaches. The great Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich once proposed a law (which happily didn't pass) to ban mind control agents from outer space. Maybe NASA felt free, since HR2977 was withdrawn, to mess with my memory using their satellites, which are by the way the only things we actually need in the universe to tell us what is going on. Maybe I only think those beaches used to be there. Maybe NASA just created my memory of beaches as sort of an April Fool's joke. Do ya think?