Drive for electric gathers speed
By Sheila McNulty in Houston
Published: December 15 2008 23:31 | Last updated: December 15 2008 23:31
Dale Brooks’ garage houses a vehicle that is testament to stalled innovation. His 1980, white Jet Electrica, with 21 batteries under the hood, was made for the US Department of Energy. Black lettering on the car’s side notes that this was an “electric vehicle demonstration project’’. The car, made from a gutted Dodge Omni, can travel up to 70 miles per hour for 70 miles before recharging. It was never mass-produced.
Instead, Mr Brooks, president of the Houston Electric Auto Association, has had to turn to China and Canada to buy his electric cars. He comments: “Unfortunately, everybody in the world except Detroit is making these.’’
Yet as General Motors and Chrysler line up for a government bail-out, electric car devotees believe their time has come.
Moves to limit carbon dioxide emissions have acquired a new focus amid fears about energy security that pushed petrol prices to record levels this year. Supporters of electric cars hope Barack Obama, the president-elect, will make a requirement to innovate part of the terms of any further bail-out and hopes are high that automakers will be obliged to develop the least-energy-intensive vehicles possible.