and methane.
This type of chemistry is of interest towards reducing Greenhouse gas emissions since some CO2 is recovered for synthetic processes. It also has the advantage of giving a better controlled reaction for the formation of syngas from (potentially biogenic) methane.
"Syngas (CO/H2) is an important feed for the Fischer- Tropsch reaction, methanol synthesis, and other chemical processes. Recently, research on syngas production from methane (CH4) has been focused mainly on two processes, i.e., catalytic partial oxidation of CH4 (CH4 + 1/2O2 f CO + 2H2, ¢H ) -38 kJ/mol)1-3 and CO2 reforming of CH4 (CH4 + CO2 f 2CO + 2H2, ¢H ) 247 kJ/mol).4-9 (¢H is the enthalpy of reaction.) The partial oxidation of CH4 is an exothermic reaction and has a tendency to cause hot spots in catalyst beds. Therefore, this process becomes hazardous and/or difficult to control, particularly in a large-scale operation. The overheating hazard of catalytic partial oxidation of CH4 can be lessened by coupling it with the endothermic CO2 reforming reaction...
...Previous reports from our laboratory have shown that Pt/CoAl2O4/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were active for the combined reaction in fixed-bed and fluidized-bed reactors, respectively.14,16 Nevertheless, high mechanical strength is necessary for the supports of industrial catalysts, especially those used in fluidized-bed reactors. Commercial microspherical silica (SiO2) has good mechanical strength and is an excellent support for a fluidized-bed reactor. Herein, we report syngas production from the combined reaction in a fluidized-bed reactor, using Ni/SiO2 catalysts that are promoted by La2O3."
From the soon to be released edition of the Journal "Energy and Fuels."