The whole point is that we will go to no ends to rationalize ourselves out of a potentially uncomfortable situation that is already a disastrous situation for the poor. From your post "The law of supply and demand works on discretionary income.
I have absolutely no clue what that even means. The law of supply and demand has little to do with income. It has to do with scarcity. "
Supply and demand is all about discretionary income, when something becomes scare it becomes more expensive, only the people with
limited discretionary income stop buying it. As it gets scarcer it becomes more expensive and the amount of discretionary income
determines the purchaser. But some people will never have to do without. That group is never affected by suppy and demand.
"The only people with so little discretionary income such that they would cut back on their driving because of an increase in gas
prices are the poor.I don't think the facts bear that out. The recent high gas prices had a significant effect on driving habits for
most Americans." You said. I say that is your opinion. But a certain amount of driving has to be done, like going to work. I know
people that when the gas was $5 a gallon that not only were there driving habits affected, so were their eating habits, and
recreation habits, and health habits. I am afraid that people don't understand or want to understand what poor is. Poor is when
there is no money left after bills. And then when the bills get higher like gasoline, they miss car payments and house payments and
ever thing else payments.
And once again $8.50 a gallon gas to a poor person is like $50 a gallon to the middle class. So when the potential of the middle
class getting hurt appears to be so bad, that is already what is happening to the poor. Don't you think that high gas prices caused
some people to miss mortgage payments ? Some people were already at their wits end when gas was $2 a gallon. Just imagine what
happened to them when they had a major expense like gasoline double. These are people whose wages when adjusted for inflation have
lost money over the last few years.