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GM (Hummer's Maker) Urges Drivers To "Get Green" - The Greenwash Continues

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:32 AM
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GM (Hummer's Maker) Urges Drivers To "Get Green" - The Greenwash Continues
General Motors Corp., which sells the gasgobbling Hummer, urges Americans to "Get Green" on a special Web site and is producing advertising campaigns trumpeting hydrogen fuel and gas-electric hybrid vehicles. Ford Motor Co., with the poorest average fuel economy of any major automaker, markets its new hybrid sport utility vehicle in Mother Jones and other politically left magazines and has planted energy-saving grass on the roof of its newest truck plant.

After years of pushing power and performance, the U.S. auto industry has begun to view conservation as a marketable quality. But the companies are stepping cautiously, and so far, the green marketing is far outpacing the manufacturing of energy-efficient vehicles.


In its push, GM has gone nationwide with ads for two new hybrid pickup trucks. But the modified Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra are available in only a few markets in Florida and Western states, and the company expects to sell a mere 1,500in the coming year, said Kenneth C. Stewart, marketing director for new ventures. What's more, the trucks are only "mild" hybrids: they do not have electric drive trains, and their batteries extend gas mileage by only about 10 percent. Ford is building about 20,000 of its new Escape hybrid SUVs in the coming year, while demand is far higher. At the same time, Ford will sell nearly 10 times as many ordinary Escapes, which get half the gas mileage. The company's overwhelming reliance on truck sales helps drag its overall fuel economy rating below that of any other major automaker, to 18.8 miles per gallon last year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.


Detroit's automakers can't stand by and let Toyota get all the credit, Ottman said, which is why they've started marketing themselves as environmentally sensitive. "It's like every once in awhile reminding your wife you're the loving husband, so you show up with some flowers," she said. "It's just a legitimate form of corporate communication to let people know that they're working on these technologies." GM has launched ad campaigns in newspapers and magazines and on television, radio and the Internet to tout not only its hybrid trucks, under the tag line "Hybrid Power to the People," but also its work on hydrogen technology. Like other car companies, GM is developing fuel cells that generate electri-city from hydrogen, producing water vapor but no pollution."


Ed. - And those GM fuel-cell cars will be available . . . . when was it? :eyes:
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left15 Donating Member (119 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 12:03 PM
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1. Fuel cells are another 10 years away
I work for a company (non-automotive) that is doing a lot of R&D on fuel cells. They won't be viable for sometime. They will probably start to appear in 3-5 years, but they will be the 8-tracks of the future. Solid performing fuel cells are a decade away.
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Webster Green Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 12:06 PM
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2. The fuel cell vehicle thing is a smokescreen......
Its a diversion, so they don't have to bother with energy efficent technologies (hybrids) that already exist. Fuel cell technology is so impractical for vehicles that it is unlikely to ever be developed.

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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 01:35 PM
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3. Tax Breaks for Hummers
Did you know that between 2001 & 2004 business have been able to receive a $100,000 tax break for buying a Hummer? (This is why Arnold has (I think the number is) 6 of them)

Actually, it is for buying a vehicle over a certain weight, but only Hummers are above that weight.

This year the deduction drops to $25,000

How is that for promoting green policies???
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NickB79 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 04:00 PM
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4. "has planted energy-saving grass"
For a second I thought that said "on the roof of their newest trucks."

I had the mental image of some guy cutting grass on top of the cab of his F150. LOL.
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