Mueller is looking for 80 or so Maine businesses, schools and other large work spaces that want free wood pellet boilers installed. His company, International WoodFuels LLC, will install the units in line with existing heat and hot water systems, maintain the boilers and deliver pellets for free.
In exchange, customers must sign 10-year contracts to buy heat, which is measured by a meter just as electricity costs are calculated. The heat is guaranteed to cost less than fuel oil, unless oil falls below a base price. This year, the floor is $2 a gallon.
"We're not selling pellets," Mueller said. "We're selling a solution – metered, thermal energy."
After months of quietly building a client base in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, International WoodFuels is positioning itself to become a major player in the region's growing pellet fuels industry. The company has opened an East Coast headquarters in Portland. It claims to have millions of dollars in private capital and is preparing to build pellet-production plants in each of the four states, two of them over the next year. Its business model – metered heat – reflects practices in Europe and the more-familiar methods of buying electricity in the United States.