Some of Britain's biggest polluters are trying to block new "freedom of information" rules which will force them to release confidential data about radioactive leaks, air pollution and their role in causing global warming.
A Whitehall memo passed to The Independent on Sunday reveals that Britain's largest power companies, nuclear stations, oil refineries and water utilities are now lobbying ministers to get themselves exempted from the sweeping new rules.
This is part of a widespread relaxing of disclosure laws that come into effect on 1 January, including the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act. This allows the public to see previously unpublished emails, confidential files and reports held by 100,000 public bodies including government departments, local authorities, schools and police forces.
One quarter of claims made under the historic new legislation will be rejected on first request, while the public could face delays of several weeks in getting their hands on documents as public bodies struggle to cope with the extra workload, campaigners warned last night. There are also concerns that ministers may use their special power of veto outlined in the Act, allowing them to suppress sensitive documents, for example the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government on the Iraq war."