Edited on Fri Jan-23-09 04:51 AM by tom_paine
I think he means that the King's State-Controlled Media frames our issues for us, and most Americans are now so mentally atrophied from years of TV, advertising, and the deliberate destruction of the teaching of critical thinking at all levels, it tells us how to think about peasants drinking OJ being BAD while the King's Men gorging on endangered fish flown in is GOOD (or at least ignored, which in the current laughable context of the American Nation Dialogue, means the same as "good").
Admittedly, this is a cynical interpretation, though after the last 8 years and really the last 28 years, cynical interpretations seem to be the most often valid.
And, yes on it's surface, the idea of the American Media being essentially the King's State-Controlled Media seem almost laughable..from inside the False Bushie Reality the M$M creates. But, to repeat an old cliche If ol' B'rer Rabbit can't get his way one way...then bye and bye, B'rer Rabbit got to think of another way. And in the end, if ol' B'rer Rabbit didn't get his way one way, he'll get it another way.
With that phrase in mind, consider this: What if the American M$M was rendered into a rough equivalent of Third World or Authoritarian Medias in terms of censorship and state-control, using other softer "kinder and gentler" methods such as corporatization combined with the failing backbone of the soft American National Character, making us ever more ready for "Virtual Enslavement" which is just another way to say that ol' B'rer Rabbit was stopped from doing it one way, but now ol' B'rer rabbit found himself another way to get his way.
Consider these new "B'rer Rabbit" ways also gives our newest generation of global tyrants, the Bushies, that which all tyrants need before they have certain levels of intimidation and control...Plausible Deniability.
How can the American Media be State-Controlled, one might ask? There are no KGB Men standing behind reporters with guns and no family members being murdered in retaliation for open reporting.
My reply? "Ol' B'rer Rabbit just found another way. Family members are killed anymore, their lives and careers are harmed or destroyed. No KGB Men are required, just the threat of job loss for ignoring the Corporate Consultant for News Worthiness Evaluation."
Human beings are just as tricky as ol' B'rer Rabbit when we REALLY want to do something, aren't we?
As I said, I present this as food for thought, and while I strongly suspect that this or something like it is the case, I am not 100% certain. But I do think it or something quite like it is probably going on.
Finally, I can't speak for the poster, so I am only speculating. I would love to hear what the poster in question has to say about it.