For the record, well over 100,000 people have been killed in the Iraq war. Not only have Americans and the rest of the world ignored these people, they are actually spending huge sums to see that even more are killed.
Three hundred
million Chinese have almost no access to clean drinking water...
Nobody can tell how many dead there are in Dafur this, but it probably dwarfs the Tsunami...
The Tsunami was a terrible event, but I very much doubt that there was anyway of preventing this tragedy, any more than there was a way of preventing the Tangshan earthquake in China in 1976 that probably killed as many as three times the number of people killed in this event. this system were built, it would most likely rot and be forgotten before it was ever needed again. The fact is that there are hugely important matters on which we can have a real and measurable effect. Tsunamis are not among them.
As terrible as the Tsunami was, the response to it is pure Hollywood. It's like a big fucking disaster movie that gives an increasingly criminal world a chance to pretend that it maintains a semblence of humanity. Bullshit. I'll believe that the world gives a shit when we see the pictures of the dead Iraqi kids and the dead African kids as baldly displayed as the dead Indonesians and Thais.