Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 10:48 PM by NNadir
literally hundreds of thousands, if not more, types of compounds.
Thus they all have varying properties and there is, unfortunately, no real "one size fits all," solution to the problem of their disposal, degradation, or recycling.
The term "plastic" was originally meant to convey materials that were easily molded, and fairly pliable, but in modern usuage the word plastic has subsumed both thermoplastics and room temperature plastic to mean, in general, polymers.
A great many "plastics" have never been derived from oil.
One of the original plastics, or polymers, in commercial production was cellophane, which is not petroleum derived but is generally derived from wood based cellulose. Nitrocellulose, which is still a subject of huge commercial production, was originally used in the first shatterproof glass, which was ordinary glass coated with nitrocellulose. (It was discovered serendiptiously when a French chemist dropped a flask in which he was doing a nitration and it failed to shatter.) Nitrocellulose today is used widely in paints and many other products.
Many polymers are not derived from oil at all, but are products of natural gas. Included in these polymers are the familiar polyethylenes, polypropylenes, and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Vinyl chloride is made by the chlorination of ethylene. It can also be made from the addition of hydrochloric acid to acetylene.
Acetylene can be made by heating carbon, usually derived from coal or coke, but biologically derived "cokes" are also available, and heating it with metallic calcium. The addition of water to the resulting calcium carbide was once considered a useful laboratory preparation for acetylene. (Now, of course, one just orders a tank of acetylene and a regulator.) PEG's, polyethylene glycols, can be made from natural gas or acetylene as well, through an intermediate known as ethylene oxide (oxirane). Glycidol, closely related to propylene oxide can be made from glycerol, which is a byproduct of the manufacture of soap and biodiesel. I can certainly imagine scenarios wherein, at the right price, glycidol could be converted to propylene oxide.
Nylons are polymers of a diacid, like adipic acid, and diamines. Adipic acid is potentially derived from catechol, which is itself a wood byproduct from lignin processing.
Polyester is a product very much like nylon, except the diamine is replaced with a diol, a molecule having two alcohol functional groups.
Almost all monomers in common plastics today are theoretically available from syn gas, which is just carbon monoxide and hydrogen. One needs only the energy to make syn gas, which can, as is well known be made by the direct hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, again, if the price is right.
The problem of what to do with plastics once they've been formed is a more serious problem than making plastics. Many plastics, including PVC, were in huge scale industrial production before their long term stability, decomposition and manufacturing intermediates were evaluated for toxicity and environmental impact. It turns out, for instance, that vinyl chloride, the monomer used for the manufacture of PVC, is one of a very potent carcinogen.
It was once thought that plastics were essentially immortal, but this has proved not to be the case, as collectors of 1950's Mattel toys like Barbie dolls have found out. Over time plastics can and do corrode, especially when exposed to air pollutants like ozone and nitrogen dioxide.
Often plastics contain tiny amounts of plasticizers and flame retardants that create huge toxicology problems. An article in yesterday's New Times Magazine described how the flame retardant commonly used in polyurethanes, which are derived from natural gas derived isocyanates and diols, PBDE, polybrominated diphenyl ether, is now found in almost all human breast milk, especially breast milk in the United States. Although the article leaned towards some typical mass media scare mongering, I certainly would not argue that the concern is entirely bogus, not at all. PBDE is certainly isosteric with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) which have been justifiably banned on grounds of environmental persistance and carcinogenicity. The article noted that PBDE is also isosteric with the important hormone thyroxin, an important moderator of metabolism in humans and every other mammalian species.
Also the mechanical persistance of polymers causes a great many problems for wildlife. Turtles, fish, and many other animals are maimed and disabled by things like the plastic holders that bind six packs of beer and soda together. Animals ingest plastics and are often killed or injured in the process. Our own Hatrack often posts threads touching on matters like these.
All of my environmental beliefs and dreams center on recycling, and plastics are no exception. It is sometimes dubious, when one considers the energetic cost of transport, for instance, to transport plastics for these purposes, but I believe that an intelligent recycling of many (though certainly not all) plastics can be managed by appropriate siting and energy management. Some of the cycles I would imagine would involve what is sometimes called "thermal depolymerization" by folks here, but my personal favorite catch-all for dealing with both problematic and not so problematic carbon compounds is supercritical water oxidation (SCWO). SCWO of plastic is a potential source of syn gas. SCWO and syn gas are my panacea responses to almost anything, although I'm not so sure, again, that "one size fits all." I'll go further. I'm sure that on some grounds, I'm engaging is over-enthusiatic hand waving and wide eyed optimism.
In any case, SCWO requires significant amounts of energy. I'm comfortable obtaining that energy from nuclear sources, but, even if this is less and less the case, nuclear energy is still something of a hard sell among the less well educated population.
No matter. Certainly it is true that whatever the problematic nature of plastic is, it does manage to sequester considerable amounts of carbon. I think I posted a link here not so long ago, which didn't draw much attention, to a Chemical and Engineering News article indicating that there are a 100's of billions of metric tons of PVC that is now approaching the end of its useful life. While the material has become broken, and brittle or simply fallen into disuse, for the most part the carbon it contains has not been injected into the atmosphere. I'm not sure we'd know what to do if it was.