"As snow and ice melt away into puddles of dirty water months earlier than usual, Russians are asking what has happened to their once-dreaded winter.
Scientists say the mild temperatures, which may be linked to global warming, are close to record highs for a Russian winter, infamous for its ferocity and credited with frustrating invaders from Napoleon to Hitler. Roman Vilfant, the head of Russia's Gidromettentr weather monitoring centre says temperatures have been eight to nine degrees higher than normal. "The first ten days of January have been very warm," Mr Vilfant said.
With lows of about -40 degrees Celsius, the ferocious conditions of a Russian winter suffered by invading armies under Napoleon and Hitler have made the country's winters legendary and earned them the nickname 'General Winter' among military historians.
"It is hard to give a single explanation for this, although you can link it to global warming. However, summers have not been getting warmer, they are the same as they were in the middle of the last century." But he had good news for Russian winter sports enthusiasts, who have had to cancel trips as snow and ice has melted away. "We expect that after the 16th, night temperatures will move back into negative territory. And then in the last 10 days of the month, they will be even lower."