Please contact your senators and representative right away and tell them to oppose this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge.
<>"No one voted on Election Day to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
But President Bush (:mad: ) is now claiming a mandate to do exactly that.
Congressional leaders (:mad: ) are pushing for a quick vote that would turn America's
greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife into a vast, polluted oil field.
Even worse, they are planning to avoid public debate on this devastating
measure by hiding it in a must-pass budget bill.
The Arctic Refuge is the greatest living reminder that conserving nature in its wild state is a core American value. It stands for every remnant of wilderness that we, as a
people, have wisely chosen to protect from the relentless march of bulldozers,
chain saws and oil rigs.
And that's why the Bush administration (:mad: ) is dead set on destroying it.
By unlocking the Arctic Refuge, they hope to open the door for oil, gas and
coal giants to invade our last and best wild places: our western canyonlands,
our ancient forests, our coastal waters, even our national monuments.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (:mad: ) admitted as much when he said this
battle over the Arctic Refuge is really a fight over whether energy exploration
will be allowed in similarly sensitive areas in the future. "It's about
precedent," Rep. DeLay (:mad: ) said.
Please contact your senators and representative right away and tell them to oppose this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge. <>:grr: