FILLMORE, Utah (AP) - "Gov. Jon Huntsman categorically said in his first State of the State address Tuesday that hotter nuclear waste would not be accepted in Utah, and he vowed to get legislation passed this year to ban it. ''As your governor, I will do everything in my power to keep hotter levels of nuclear waste out,'' Huntsman said.
''The most effective and permanent solution is to pass tough legislation,'' he said. ''I will work with legislators, and by the time this legislative session is finished, we should no longer be discussing the possibility of B & C waste entering this state.''
Before the election, the then-Governor-elect repeatedly said he would use the power of his office to make sure hotter waste never reached Utah. But because Envirocare of Utah already had a conditional permit to accept such waste, environmentalists were unnerved last month when Huntsman's staff suggested he was unlikely to take extra steps to prohibit the hotter waste - reasoning that current state law already bans it and that any added moves by Huntsman could create legal challenges.
Envirocare's facility about 80 miles west of Salt Lake City is only licensed to dispose of the least dangerous, Class A type of waste. The company has said it has no plans to use its conditional permit for the hotter waste, but it also has no plans to abandon it."