This is cooling water that leaked. It's not even radioactive, and if it were, it still wouldn't have harmed anyone.
Why is this major news, say compared to this news: the nuclear case, nobody was injured, in the natural gas case, 5 people were sent to the hospital and several hundred neighbors of the shop were evacuated from their homes.
On April 22 of last year up to 3,000 North Koreans were killed by a natural gas explosion. The only interest shown in the case was when some people interpreted the even as a "nuclear" explosion. When it was found that the explosion was NOT nuclear the world as a whole said, "So what?" and "Nothing to see here, folks," and when on its merry stupid way. main difference between this case, which is trivial by the way, and the gas cases is the inclusion of the word "nuclear," a sure fire scare word. (Colon Piddle, Gorge Bash, and Dick Teeny used this word "nuclear" again, and again and again to incite people to wholesale murder in a little oily country called Iraq.) Every minor glitch in every single nuclear plant is reported as a tragedy, whether or not anyone is injured. (Usually though such reports are coupled with lots and lots of "could have," "might have," "if," and dubious "according to experts...") Meanwhile millions of people die each year from air pollution unremarked, thousands are killed by natural gas explosions, unremarked, thousands more are burned in gasoline and oil fires unremarked.
This report is exactly why our planet is doomed. "Can't see the forest..." thinking.