"THE outgoing chairman of Shell has announced he wants to take up a post with a climate-change charity when he quits the oil giant later this year, writes Jonathan Leake. Lord Oxburgh is so concerned at the potential destruction from global warming that he wants to devote more of his time to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels.
The move is likely to cause some embarrassment at Shell, one of the biggest oil and gas producers in the world.
Despite a history of environmental controversies, it is now seen as one of the greenest oil companies, but each year its worldwide activities and products still release about 700m tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. By contrast, emissions from the whole of Britain total around 560m tons out of a total world output of 25 billion tons.
Oxburgh, who chairs Shell as a non-executive, said: gWhen I leave I would like to go onto the board of a climate change charity. I would be campaigning for more responsible use of hydrocarbons.h Oxburgh, who is also chairman of the House of Lords science and technology committee, emphasises that the target of such campaigns would not be so much the oil companies as government ministers and departments."