"Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. surrounded himself with fidgety preschoolers last week as he ticked off proposals from his "year of the child" legislative agenda, including $103 million next year for a program to help low-income parents afford day care. Left unmentioned at his news conference was that the state spent $106 million -- $3 million more -- on the same program last year. And that Ehrlich is reducing money for a statewide network that helps parents find child care.
Likewise, when the governor announced legislation aimed at reducing lead poisoning among children, he didn't say that his budget would cut a $375,000 grant that Baltimore has used to seek compliance with lead-paint regulations. And when he touted an advertising campaign to inform parents about educating children younger than 5, he didn't say his budget would cut $800,000 from a program that teaches parenting skills.
Such details have tempered child advocates' reactions as Ehrlich (R) embraces their causes.
The governor's stepped-up focus on children is welcome, especially in a tight budget year, they said, and his agenda includes what they believe are worthy initiatives, including substantial funding increases for foster care and school construction. But in several instances, what Ehrlich is proposing falls well short of his rhetoric, the advocates say. "There are some positive steps here, but this is hardly the Marshall Plan for kids," said Sharon Rubinstein, communications director for Advocates for Children and Youth, a Maryland nonprofit group."