Actually, I just heard some stats the other day, about how the waste produced by a large hog operation in a year, outweighs the entire output of the human population for New York City in a year. There's just no place to go with this stuff. There was also an article in the Fresno Bee last weekend, about how scientists have now determined they have been looking at the wrong end of the cow as a huge contributor to San Joaquin Valley air pollution. For those of you who have not been around cattle, they produce voluminous belches every few minutes to aid digestion in their seven (or is it 9?) stomachs. I can personally testify that this phenomenon in my own CowBoy (the pet Brahma steer), can knock you right off your feet. So now they don't know what they're going to do. You can capture mountains of manure, and at least try to do something with it. You can't exactly put gas masks on millions of cattle!