Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, Manado|Wed,05/13/2009 2:22 PM
Different positions of developed and developing countries on marine adaptation funds, transfer of technology and the urgency of ocean issues, at United Nations climate talks, have hampered the World Ocean Conference's (WOC) drive for a united declaration at ministerial level.
The WOC's Senior Official Meeting failed to agree on key articles in the original draft declaration proposed by developing countries, including Indonesia, after the negotiations were extended by a few hours Tuesday evening.
"We agree to submit the results of the negotiation to the ministerial meeting Thursday. The ministers will negotiate further on the declaration," said conference chairman Eddy Pratomo of Indonesia.
He added that the failure to agree on the Manado Ocean Declaration stemmed from sharp divisions over certain issues between developed and developing countries, forcing representatives from both sides to go outside the main room to conduct separate and intensive lobbying.
"We've had to soften the language in some articles," Eddy said.
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