One of the common energy measurements of commerce and alternative energy measurements is toe (tons oil equivalent). A ton oil equivalent is equal to 4.187 X 10^10 Joules. largely historical reasons, oil is still sold and discussed volumetrically, as in "barrels of oil." However this is commercially dubious since the actual energy value of oil, like every other chemical substance, is not tied to its volume but to its weight. The density of oil in a hot Saudi Arabian desert is quite different from its density on a Chicago fuel truck in the dead of winter. A "barrel" of oil placed in a drum in Saudi Arabia will therefore be less than a barrel in the Chicago winter without anyone adding or removing anything.
I agree with the rest of your statements however. As I said in other posts in related threads, biologically derived fuels are palliative. Still they have a role to play, especially in a transition role.
People continually act as if there needs to be some kind of magic bullet that will replace 100% of oil with one fuel that as widely applied as are petroleum based fuels. This is actually immediately impossible although for the long term some options like nuclear produced DME suggest themselves.
Still, all things considered, a concerned citizen today would have really just one practical option today should he wish to have a solar powered car: A B100 biodiesel fueled diesel car or truck.