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9 Years After Sweeping Air Pollution Study, Houston Stuck In The 1990s

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 01:59 PM
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9 Years After Sweeping Air Pollution Study, Houston Stuck In The 1990s
"A decade ago, a team of scientists and local health officials studying environmental problems in Harris, Brazoria and Galveston counties concluded that hazardous air pollution could cause 12 to 73 cases of cancer here annually. Some of the seven pollutants the team found at high levels then are the same ones the Houston Chronicle found in its investigation last summer and that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality last month said posed increased cancer risks.

However, when the original study was presented in 1996, it sparked little public debate and even less change.

The analysis, which was sponsored by a variety of grants and coordinated by an independent research group, the Houston Advanced Research Center, used data from air pollution monitors operated by the state. The conclusions were presented to the influential Greater Houston Partnership in 1996 and reviewed by a 31-person committee that included a school superintendent, a local neighborhood association, a pastor, a professor, industry representatives and environmentalists.


Environmentalists on the panel also say there was a push by those working for local energy companies to have indoor air pollution ranked in the highest risk category, above outdoor air pollution, although that is not how the majority of committee members voted. "The consensus reached was ignored in favor of the corporate people," said LaNell Anderson of the Texas Bucket Brigade, a member who quit before the Foresight process was finally completed in 1996, with the issue of a series of recommendations. "I noticed that indoor air pollution, even though it was never the consensus of the committee, was moved up over outdoor air pollution."

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cornermouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. Final conclusion:
Don't move to Texas. It just might kill you if you do.

Perhaps we should plan vacations in the Blue States?
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ChemEng Donating Member (314 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-23-05 11:21 PM
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2. As one who works in the chemical industry, I can assure
you that we are spending billions of dollars on reducing NOx and HRVOC emissions. The real problem in Houston is controlling emissions from mobile sources such as cars, buses, trucks, trains, off-road construction equipment, etc. But God forbid we ask people to reduce their pollution from these sources. That may mean individuals would have to take responsibility for their own pollution. Much easier to blame someone else.

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