Drenching spring rain has failed to to ease crisis, with dams at their second lowest level ever going into summer. For the first time in 12 years Melbourne has received above average rainfall in spring but dams are still only 38 per cent full. The only time they have been lower was last year when dams started the summer at 34 per cent capacity.
Water Minister Tim Holding said 173 billion litres of water flowed into Melbourne's water storages from September to November, equating to 112 per cent of the spring average.
"They're good inflows but we need to recognise that that 173 billion litres of water represents less than 10 per cent of our storage holding capacity and of course our storage as of today are at the second lowest that they've ever been for this time of the year," he told reporters today. "So anyone who's rushing out to say 'well that's it, the drought's over' it's way too early to make that declaration."
The Minister said Victoria was set for another hot, dry summer, with storages expected to drop by .4 per cent each week.