Nowhere in the published article does in mention parts per trillion.
Another newspaper item has an industry spokesperson stating that these parts per trillion were ok.
Oil sands emissions polluting waterways, study finds
Preston McEachern, a spokesman on the oil sands for Alberta's Ministry of Environment, said bitumen extraction is done in the areas with the highest amounts of petrochemicals in the ground, which in turn explains high levels detected in nearby rivers. He said the concentrations detected, in the parts per trillion, weren't high enough to be a concern. paper can be downloaded from here. reading through the article all I can find are concentrations expressed as micro gm/L. Which would make the values as parts per million (m/m)
Perhaps someone is getting things mixed up and additionally missing their units in explanations? ie 6 ppm (m/m)
Or ppm (m/m)
The CBC news item has parts per trillion in quotes so on the one hand Schindler is saying that they are toxic at these levels and the government saying they are OK.