The mayor of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo said the municipality can not do anything about the cancer concerns of Fort Chipewyan residents.
A report in February found over 50 cases of cancer in Fort Chipewyan, higher than the 39 expected for a similar-sized community. The report said three causes may have led to higher cancer rates: chance, increased diagnostics or environmental causes. With another report, released Dec. 7, stating definitively that oilsands pollute the surrounding environment, residents of the downstream community want a comprehensive study of the health effects of oilsands developments. While researchers did not link the water, air and land pollution to health and cancer concerns in Fort Chip, they said those concerns do have substance.
The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB), which includes Fort Chipewyan, does not lobby or have any involvement on behalf of its constituents in getting the provincial government to complete a health study, said Mayor Melisa Blake.
"We always have concerns with human health and need to determine the causes and eliminate whatever is causing them," Blake said. "But it's not a municipal concern. We have opportunities to meet with Ministers of Transport and Infrastructure, but not Health."