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Tomorrow is Today (in Copenhagen): Call for Action

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Ghost Dog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 07:08 AM
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Tomorrow is Today (in Copenhagen): Call for Action
“If you could see what is happening here in Copenhagen you would be outraged. After two decades of negotiating climate change policy to death, wealthy countries are blocking a real deal with weak targets and loopholes. The next 72 hours I will need you to act to seize the moment of Copenhagen. Please be prepared to act.”

Now is the time to act. First I will ask for what is needed. Then I will explain some context.

/Please read on:
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Ghost Dog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 07:16 AM
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These are no ordinary times. The moment to tackle climate change on a global scale was twelve years ago. The US opted out of Kyoto and has since fought for business as usual while the planet remains in desperate need of a heart transplant and the worlds’ poor face increasing famine, flooding, and disease. In this unique moment, world leaders must act.

More than 100 heads of state are now in Copenhagen. It has already become a transformational political moment for the climate movement. Everyone is talking about the backlash for Danish police to peaceful demonstrations and the preemptive move by the UN to kick out 14,700 members of civil society before the high level summit on the final two days. What’s even more important than the silencing of our voices in Copenhagen is the fact that President Obama and the U.S. Congress have yet to listen to the voices of millions of their own citizens and those around the world calling for an ambitious, fair, and binding global climate treaty now. I can tell you from being in the belly of the beast – our voices WILL be heard.

/Please read on (more):
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