There has been more steady, soaking rain across parts of Queensland's interior and graziers say it will mean a huge boost for pastures heading into the New Year. There has been more than 100 millimetres (4 inches) at Blackall, Hughenden and Georgetown in the last 24 hours.
Barcaldine has reported 145mm, Camooweal 63mm and Longreach 51mm. In the south-west, Paroo Mayor Jo Sheppard says her property near Cunnamulla received more than 175 mm since Christmas.
"We've been talking about how it all came about with that cyclone way over in Western Australia and how many years it's been since we've seen a cyclone actually cross the entire continent so it's been quite an extraordinary event," she said.
"Beautiful, soaking rain and it's going to do a lot of good to the entire district."
There is a flood warning current for the Paroo River. Cr Sheppard says a flow is also expected in the Warrego after good rain in the region, but a levee around Cunnamulla means there should not be any concerns for properties. "The levee bank has been tested on a number of times, it's strong and has been well-maintained," she said.
"We are expecting a flow in the Warrego but certainly not extensive flooding but also a good flow in the Paroo which will be beneficial for the graziers on those flood plains along those river systems.
"We're not expecting any disasters only positives."More:
Cool change hits Melbourne as rain nearsDrenching rain didn't stop the Yarra Park and Docklands New Year's Eve family fireworks from going ahead in Melbourne but it did manage to delay it. The fireworks were set to go off at 9.15pm (AEDT) at the two sites at either end of the city but rain and lightning strikes which lit up the night sky delayed the action for 10 minutes.
But as the rain stopped at 9.25pm, the fireworks lit up the night sky with 20,000 people at Yarra Park delighted by the show. Ebony Beaton from the City of Melbourne says the main show, the spectacular midnight fireworks that will herald a new decade, is planned to go ahead on time.
"Everything is on track for midnight," she told AAP. A cool change swept through Melbourne just before 9pm,
sending the temperature down from 36 degrees to 25 degrees and bringing rain and storm activity.
Heavy rain has cut the Landsborough Highway in the west of the state. Police say there is almost a metre of water over parts of the road between Ilfracombe near Longreach and Barcaldine.