was, um, Dr. Strangelove himself, Edwin Teller, who could see
nothing but weapons.
That I think, was a function of his personality which
only saw aggression and evil because he had a
morally small mind, sort of like a modern day anti-nuke, who are intellectually violent and aggressive people who focus exclusively on human ignorance and do not
trust humanity to do
great things.
The nuclear community
after the war called Teller the "reactor opposer," and privately ridiculed him.
As I recall this is covered in a book by the great scientist Alvin Weinberg, the primary moving force behind the largest climate change free energy production device now used by humanity, the pressurized water reactor, a device that has functioned in many countries around the world without a single human life despite producing on an exajoule scale. The book of which I am thinking was entitled
http://books.google.com/books?id=otQDyt9PeswC&dq=The+First+Nuclear+Era&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=WzP4UN5P0Y&sig=0IAykhok3Sjkn3NiQJTLZHkVkhU&hl=en&ei=8cBJS7j2K9TTlAeFvZga&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=&f=false">The First Nuclear Era.
Weinberg was also the prime moving force behind the greatest reactor concept ever built, the molten salt reactor, a reactor which is easily made inherently unsuitable for nuclear weapons use.
The B reactor was not designers by some small minded libertarian pseudoscience wannabe like say, Amory Lovins. It was designed by men like Enrico Fermi and Hans Bethe. (Bethe would refuse to speak to Teller for many decades because of Teller's treatment of Oppenheimer, and probably because Teller was a nuclear scare monger, a war-like force and a Republican - like, say, Dick Cheney - whereas Bethe was a tireless worker for peaceful nuclear energy, a Democrat, and a strong advocate of peace.)
The Hanford site represents a place where the
only new form of primary energy discovered in the last two centuries, nuclear energy, was first utilized by humanity.
The discovery
still represents the last best hope for humanity, especially because humanity now numbers close to 7 billion, 6 billion more than when humanity abandoned so called "renewable" energy at the beginning of the 19th century.
This is one of the most historic sites in the United States, although we need not worry about anti-nuke paranoids
ever visiting it, especially since they often represent that everyone in Richland, Washington is
dead, something the article gives lie to.