My kids swim in the waters just outside of Oyster Creek, within an hour and half of Three Mile Island II, Peachbottom I and II, Limerick I and II, and a short drive from Hope Creek and Salem Creek.
I have made it clear many times that I would personally support - vociferously - reactors in my own town.
Every anti-nuke who claims to know anything about the nuclear industry is basically full of shit in my opinion. They routinely elevate stupid stuff like so called "waste" for the
nuclear industry with selective attention.
Nuclear energy need not be perfect to be better than all the stuff dumb guys don't care about. It merely needs to be better than stuff dumb guys don't care about.
If you want to kill me try showing me one dumb anti-nuke who is here claiming that the
gas industry - the industry that pays anti-nukes Joschka Fischer, Amory Lovins, and Gerhardt Schroeder
big money, six figures per year, to say
stupid stuff - has problems that can be
The latest dangerous natural gas scheme seems to be to fracture every piece of cap rock in North American, ground water be damned.
I note thet
every anti-nuke here is an apologist for dangerous fossil fuels.
This remark of yours,
And the associated steam power plants are not efficent enough to be commercially viable with coal-fueled boilers.
is pretty typical of anti-nuke mentality.
I notice you don't give a fuck about where dangerous fossil fuel waste goes - but have a fetish for used reactor cores.
I have never met a single anti-nuke who knows
any chemistry or physics. Zero. I don't find any of them to be particularly bright, informed, remotely knowledgable or honest.
The first reactor ever built in this country, Shippingport, has its site now released as a
park. It's decommissioning resulted in zero deaths, unlike the "decommissioning" of the Banqiao dam in China, which killed 250,000 people in a single night.
I'll take anti-nukes as something more than pathetic jokes if they suddenly discover what Banqiao even was.