Safety First, Entergy Lawyers Up
by: BP
Sat Jan 23, 2010 at 08:49:29 AM EST
According to the Rutland Herald,
Entergy has lawyered up. Entergy Nuclear has hired a Washington, D.C., law firm to assist the company in its internal investigation over whether company officials lied to state regulators last year over the existence of radioactivity in buried pipes, which appear to be the source of increasing levels and types of radioactivity leaking at the Vernon reactor.
This lawyering up comes after weeks of appearances and disappearances surrounding the aging plant.Underground pipes said by officials not to exist, proceeded to make their existence painfully evident to everyone.
In a twist on this disappearing/reappearing process, Baruth’s Vermont Daily Brief points out that Vermont Yankee’s Chief engineer David McElwee has vanished from the feel-good webpage where he once appeared. McElwee said of the underground piping "
We have none. Since this is not an item active in the review of ... recommendations, we consider this issue closed,"
Also performing a reappearance is Governor Douglas’ support for Yankee. After a week of criticizing the power plant operators, the Douglas team is back on point in their support for re-licensing. January 22nd, 2010
So Busted: VY Disappears Dave McElwee
by Philip Baruth
Now this is beautiful. You might remember a week or two back VDB mocked Entergy’s slick new website,, as a blatant attempt to hide behind a few of their more telegenic workers. But in the interim, of course, Entergy has had to admit to more than a few lapses in both safety and honesty, with Entergy VP Jay Thayer himself admitting that the company had misled investigators on tritium piping.
It turns out that another company employee who misled investigators was a Chief Engineer by the name of David McElwee, who just happened to be one of the folks profiled on Well, guess what’s changed at the website since the revelations about leaked radioactivity?
Dave’s gone. Vanished. Disappeared.
And that’s not all. When it launched, Entergy also decided to make a heartwarming human interest story out of the fact that Dave’s daughter, Beth, had come to work at the plant too. So her original profile played up that connection: “Beth’s dad, Dave McElwee, is a 28-year Vermont Yankee veteran . . . . And she couldn’t be happier working side by side with her dad.”
But if you’ve disappeared Dave, you can’t very well warm viewers’ hearts with him when you’re profiling Beth. So the connection between father and daughter has also gone down the memory hole, as no longer operative or desirable from a corporate standpoint.