Of course, I'm not a 15 year old kid with at the church of Google and I certainly wouldn't find myself chanting the blather of anyone sort of like a twisted Rosary.
I remember Amory the stupid's remarks in 1976, before he was posting pictures of himself taking um bribes, whoops I mean "donations" from his fellow thugs at Walmart to greenwash the car CULTure, that induces so much reverence from our anti-nukes here.
He hasn't changed in 34 years either. He was an uneducated liar, mystical, daydreaming hypocrite then then - a writer of
bad science fiction - and he is uneducated liar, mystical, daydreaming hypocrite
today. While talking of conservation, he builds himself a McMansion in Snowmass - god knows how many trucks hauled his consumer junk up the mountain to build that piece of consumer crap - with, um, cathedral ceilings.
Here's a famous pic of freak with his SUV:

Reminds me of some the anti-nukes I know. Talking all the time about conservation without understanding that a Nigerian living on 8 watts of power has
nothing to conserve.
Let them burn
And of course, unless you are morally vapid - and clearly many anti-nukes are morally vapid little consumers - you can't miss the meaning of this little blurb:
http://www.pitchengine.com/rockymountaininstitute/walmart-foundation-donates-250000-to-rmi/30589/">Wal-Mart Foundation Donates $250,000 to RMI.
Nor is the
first donation of the union busting plastic hauling asphalt paving Walmart to RMI, the equivalent of the anti-nuke's "700 Club." Now before anyone accuses me of engaging in the logical fallacy of
http://www.fallacyfiles.org/guiltbya.html">Guilt by Association, I note that it is one thing to be involved in mere juxtaposition, and another to be working and
Lovins has
never had an
honest interest in energy in his pathetic and evil life. He never met a major polluting corporation he wouldn't greenwash for a fee. This is the ass who greenwashed Rio Tinto - is the even ONE dumb anti-nuke on this website who grasps the
irony of the mercury dumping/coal mining corporation's
Why am I not surprised?
Amory's 1976 high school quality paper - maybe meriting a moderated "C" in the 10th grade - allowing for the lack of references and the fact that it consists entirely of here-say, innuendo, hand waving, wishful thinking coupled with dire contempt for anyone who was not as bourgeois as
that characterizes the mindless rote dogma and chanting that drips out of the cavernous mentality of the anti-nuke community.
That's pretty typical, no? We have Amory Lovins
worship, who I despise him as a fraudulent thug, presented as "argument." It's no such thing. It's like medieval monks reciting the rosary, unthinking, unquestioning, unenlightened, and rote.
Amory and his wide eyed disciples - was gaspingly inaccurate except when he quoted, out of context, the inventor of the pressurized water reactor, Alvin Weinberg, about energy demand. Of course, being as stupid as your average anti-nuke, Lovins was incompetent to understand Weinberg.
More than this
one accurate statement, is blathering selective attention to what he
wanted to hear, and not was likely, and not what actually occurred.
In fact, hearing what you
want to hear, and not being remotely aware of what is demonstrably
happening is the hallmark of anti-nukism.
For instance there is Lovins prediction - with no referenced support for it beyond "Amory says" in 1976 about the role solar energy would play in the year 2000.
Quoth Amory in 1976 - before he was raking in oodles of bucks from his pals at Walmart - before he spent all those high end afternoons skiing with Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay (of Enron fame) in Aspen, and before he was openly paid by all the dangerous fossil fuel companies about which anti-nukes couldn't care less:
And, at the further end of the spectrum, projections for 2000 being considered by the "Demand Panel" of a major U.S. National Research Council study, as of mid-1976, ranged as low as about 54 quads of fuels (plus 16 of solar energy).
Lovins, "The Road Not Taken,"
Foreign Affairs page 76.
(Typically of Lovins there is
no reference to published work of this putative "demand panel" - it's just "Amory says..."). Unlike Lovins, I know how to
reference work, even work to which I apply critical thinking and decide is horse shit.
I love to point out that as of 2010, ten years after Lovins appeal to a mystic heaven of religious Nirvana the following situation is actually obtained:
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/alternate/page/renew_energy_consump/table1.htmlHe was off by a factor of 2 for non-solar energy, and by a factor of nearly 200 for the contribution of the now
failed solar industry.
This evocation ranks with the claim that the bubonic plague was a harbinger of the return of Jesus in the 14th century, in spite of the fact that there actually were people during that plague, like Guy de Chauliac, Europe's first
scientific physician, while the mystics - who dominated the
popular imagination, but were clueless about reality - appealed to everyone to prepare for the savior.
The wind and solar cults - intertwined inextricably with Lovins' car CULT - are
pure POP. There's not a
shred of reality in it.
People ask me if I
hate Lovins and if so, why. The answer to the first question is yes. The answer to the second question can be ascertained by a cursory examination of air pollution deaths, not even counting deaths from climate change and shit like Banqiao.
http://www.who.int/entity/quantifying_ehimpacts/countryprofilesebd.xls">World Health Organization Estimates of Yearly Deaths from Air Pollution, including deaths from biomass burning.
Poverty kills, and poverty maims, and anyone who
denies or
deliberately ignores this with an immoral focus on bourgeois wishful thinking is effectively a
mass murderer in my mind. Ignorance
http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/national/countryprofile/mapoap/en/index.htmlLovins is no different than the ecclesiastic authorities who decided in the 1340's that the real cause of the bubonic plague was the
presence of Jews. To my mind, Lovins perception of the
poor is similar: Based on ignorance, indifference and superstition.
(One can read all about this kind of mentality in a
real high school paper, which unlike Lovins' high school
quality paper in
Foreign Affairs is actually referenced:
And let's be sure of something: Before we're through with air pollution, as expressed by climate change, the bubonic plague is going to look like small potatoes.
Have a wonderful evening and a pleasant day tomorrow.