Over the years I've collected documented lists and Her barium deposits and personal observations
of the Biodiversity of New England. It was and still is a learning experience, exposing me to Phylum of species that I would never have looked at. It's better than worrying about the latest tabloid
scandal or being a spectator sports jockey.
I'm just wondering if anyone else is doing this for their States, Provinces or Countries?
Here's the tally of the files of individual species that I have to date.
New England Biodiversity
Animalia: Vertebrates
Amphibians= NE=26 species
Reptiles=NE=52 species
Birds=NE=500 species
Mammals=NE=92 species
Fishes=NE=674 species
Animalia: Chordates
Hemichodata(marine)= NE=4 species
Tunicates(marine)= NE=44 species
Animalia: Invertebrates
Lepidoptera=NE=3384 species
Trichoptera=NE=374 species
Plecoptera=NE=113 species
Ephemeroptera=NE=181 species
Megaloptera=NE=16 species
Neuroptera= NE=46 species
Collembolla=NE=174 species
Heteroptera(Hemiptera & Homoptera)=NE=2078 species
Hymenoptera=NE=3851 species
Diptera=NE=4583 species
Coleoptera=NE=4663 species
Strepsiptera=NE=3 species
Mantodea=NE=2 species
Phasmatodea=NE=2 species
Orthoptera=NE=115 species
Psocoptera=NE=86 species
Anoplura=NE=29 species
Mallophaga=NE=269 species
Siphonaptera=NE=43 species
Thysanoptera=NE=131 species
Mecoptera=NE=19 species
Odonata & Zygoptera=NE=189 species
Archaeognatha=NE=3 species
Thysanura=NE=4 species
Dermaptera=NE=6 species
Portura=NE=2 species
Diplura=NE=5 species
Isoptera=NE=1 species
Blattiodea=NE=13 species
Anneilida(Earthworms)= NE=31 species
Anneilida(freshwater)= NE=200 est. # species
Anneilida(marine)= NE=426 species
Anneilida(Hirudinea freshwater & marine)= NE=45 species
Platyhelminthes(freeliving, parasitic, freshwater & marine)= NE=800 est. # species
Acanthocephala=NE=56 species
Nematoda=NE=5,000 est. # species
Nemertea(freshwater)= NE=1 species
Nemertea(marine)= NE=47 species
Nematomorpha(freshwater)= NE=6 species
Nematomorpha(marine)= NE=1 species
Gastrotricha(freshwater)= NE=7 species
Gastrotricha(marine)= NE=68 species
Gnathostomulida(marine)= NE=1 species
Kinorhyncha(marine)= NE=3 species
Priapulida(marine)= NE=1 species
Phoronida(marine)= NE=1 species
Porifera(freshwater)= NE=17 species
Porifera(marine)= NE=48 species
Cnidaria(freshwater)= NE=3 species
Cnidaria(marine)= NE=204 species
Ctenophora(marine)= NE=5 species
Mesozoa(marine)= NE=1 species
Bryozoa(freshwater)= NE=12 species
Bryozoa(marine)= NE=105 species
Rotifera(freshwater and marine)= NE=483 species
Tardigrada(freshwater)= NE=43 species
Tardigrada(marine)= NE=11 species
Chaetognatha(marine)= NE=2 species
Brachiopoda(marine)= NE=1 species
Gastropoda(terrestrial and freshwater)= NE=180 species
Gastropoda(marine)= NE=305 species
Mollusca(marine)= NE=32 species
Mussels and Clams(freshwater)= NE=49 species
Mussels and Clams(marine)= NE=146 species
Sipuncula(marine)= NE=6 species
Echiurida(marine)= NE=2 species
Crustacea(terrestrial and freshwater)= NE=56 species
Crustacea(Cladocera)= NE=94 species
Crustacea(Ostracoda freshwater)= NE=23 species
Crustacea(Ostracoda marine)= NE=51 species
Crustacea(Copepoda freshwater and parasites)= NE=79 species
Crustacea(marine)= NE=221 species
Crustacea(Copepoda marine)= NE=517 species
Crustacea(Amphipoda marine)= NE=245 species
Crustacea(Branchiura freshwater parasites & marine parasites)= NE=10 species
Echinodermata(marine)= NE=53 species
Chilopoda=NE=37 species
Diplopoda=NE=33 species
Symphyla=NE=2 species
Pauropoda=NE=9 species
Pseudoscorpiones= NE=17 species
Opiliones=NE=22 species
Araneae(spiders)=NE=760 species
Pycnogonida(marine)=NE=17 species
Xiposura(marine)=NE=1 species
Metastigmata(ticks)= NE=18 species
Mites(Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata & Oribatei)= NE=3000 est. # species
Vascular plants=USDA PLANTS Lists NE= 2916 species
Bryophytes=NE=900 est. # species
(Ascomycetes & Lichenicolous Ascomycetes)= NE=1300 est. # species
Ascomycota= NE=1271 species
Laboulbeniaceae= NE=158 species
Zygomycota= NE=55 species
Coelomycetes= NE=510 species
Hyphomycetes= NE=489 species
Basidiomycetes= NE=1910 species
Uredinales= NE=381 species
Ustilaginales= NE=92 species
Acrasiomycota=NE=9 species
Myxomycetes=NE=197 species
Dinoflagellata=NE=184 species
Rhizopoda=NE=107 species
Chrysophyta=NE=169 species
Haptophyta=NE=27 species
Euglenophyta=NE=114 species
Cryptophyta=NE=35 species
Zoomastigina=NE=71 species
Xanthophyta=NE=48 species
Eustigmatophyta=NE=2 species
Bacillariophyta=NE=1240 species
Phaeophyta=NE=123 species
Rhodophyta=NE=191 species
Chlorophyta(includes: Gamophyta)=NE=1296 species
Actinopoda=NE=14 species
Foraminfera=NE=248 species
Ciliophora=NE=468 species
Apicomplexa=NE=46 species
Labyrinthulomycota=NE=1 species
Plasmodiophoromycota=NE=2 species
Chytridiomycota=NE=12 species
Oomycota=NE=65 species
Cnidosporidia=NE=9 species
There is a very recent monograph:
by Colt, LeBaron. 1999. A Guide to the Algae of New England 1829-1984.
A comprehensive guide to the algae of the New England Region as reported in the literature/ compiled by LeBaron C. Colt, Jr. 1020p. 4431species (FW+Marine)
Bacteria=NE=394 species
Worldwide bacteria species estimates range from 30,000 named species
to at least 1 Billion species.
I’ve not seen any listing for the New England area for the following Phylum:
This is always on going. New and old listings are always being found for the New England region.
Total to date=43,598 species
December 30, 2009
Douglas N. Greene