Truth for inconvenient dummiesby Bill Cope, Boise Weekly
Last week, we discussed why people on the right have such a difficult time comprehending what's going on in the world. At the time, I put much of the blame on the Internet, which I regard as culpable of disseminating at least as much crap as reliable information. If you doubt what I say, Google up "chupacabra" or "Obama + antichrist," and you will soon realize how many people there are who seemingly have little else to do than shovel more meaningless bullshit onto endless piles of meaningless bullshit.
But with another week to think about it, I have come to the understanding that we can't blame every epidemic of conservative ignorance on the Internet. We must give some measure of credit to the right's natural propensity to always be on the slippery up-slope of the Bell curve. And as recent meteorological events have shown, there is no subject on which they are more decidedly slippery than the matter of Global Warming.
(Note to copy editor: I capitalize "Global Warming" as I believe everyone who is serious about it should, to give the situation the gravitas it deserves. In fact, as the threat deepens, we should consider capitalizing all the letters and adding a series of exclamation points, as in "GLOBAL WARMING!!!" It may not help, but it can't hurt.)
Of course, I speak of the cackling from high-profile fowl--the most concentrated collection being in the Fox News coop--who acted like they had invented the concept of irony when much of the East Coast was hit by record snow storms. In the minds of Beck and Hannity--if "minds" is the proper term when applied to those gentlemen--20 inches of white stuff in Washington, D.C., proved that Al Gore is a fraud. You know ... as though they understood what Gore was saying in the first place.