,0,7939184.story Texas-based refiners pledge to fund fight against California's global warming law
Valero and Tesoro have reportedly pledged as much as $2 million to help gather signatures for a ballot initiative to suspend the greenhouse-gas-cutting law until the jobless rate improves.
By Margot Roosevelt
March 3, 2010 | 9:28 p.m.
Two Texas-based refinery giants have pledged as much as $2 million to fund signature gathering for a ballot initiative to suspend California's landmark global warming law, according to Sacramento sources.
The companies, Valero Energy Corp. and Tesoro Corp., own refineries in California that would be forced under the law to slash emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a strong supporter of AB 32, the global warming law, had asked businesses not to support the ballot measure, which was launched by a coalition of Republican politicians and conservative activists.
California companies, according to a source close to the administration, "are more tolerant of California's environmental leadership. But these Texans don't want to pay to cut their emissions in California if the federal government is not going to pass climate legislation. They can throw a few mill- ion dollars into" fighting the law.