unreliable trash - which will not last even 20 years - running is typical of the selective attention of the gas greenwashing industry for which wind is a fig leaf.
There is NOT ONE "wind will save us" line of anti-environmental hand waving selective attention that
doesn't point to some 20 minute peak while ignoring the
frequent zeros during which the wind nirvana in question burns dangerous natural gas.
Not one.
South Texas nuclear plant, according to the DOE, operated at 96% of capacity utilization in 2008.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/at_a_glance/reactors/southtexas.htmlThere is not a wind facility on the entire planet that operates at 40% of capacity utilization, which is why the wind industry always reports its fraudulent figures in
peak capacity, rather than energy.
energy produced by each unit - contained not spread out over brazillions of square miles in the pathway of the whooping crane, but in a single building was more than 10,000 kilowatt-
The, um, "hour" means - for anyone who knows physics, something not prone to being observed among "renewable save us" mentality types - makes it a unit of
energy and not "peak" power.
The Comanche Peak plants in Texas operate with similar reliability.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/at_a_glance/states/statestx.htmlThese plants produce more energy than all of the solar facilities in the entire United States, and unlike the solar facilities - which are distributed energy point source pollution hell holes - sort of like the dangerous CAR culture junk - they contain all of their by products on their property and can do so indefinitely without producing a single loss of human life.
In 2008, nuclear power produced 40,727,370 megawatt-
hours - note the unit of
energy and not some stupid scam reporting a 20 minute
peak power figure. This is the equivalent, assuming that one can do math of 146 petajoules of energy, or 0.146 exajoules, all generated in 4 relatively small buildings.
The same year the gas figleaf greenwashing enterprise put forth by Conoco-Phillips/Sun Oil/Chevron/BP executive Amory Lovins produced 17,639,094 megawatt-hours.
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/st_profiles/sept05tx.xlsBy way of contrast, the entire nation of Denmark about which all of the oblivious anti-nukes love to prattle endlessly - Denmark being a dangerous fossil fuel
exporter and greenwashing nation - produced 26 petajoules (0.026 exajoules) of wind energy, according to their own energy agency:
http://www.ens.dk/en-US/Info/FactsAndFigures/Energy_statistics_and_indicators/Annual%20Statistics/Documents/Figures2008.xls#Renewable!A4Note that the 5 billion dollar "investment" in wind infrastructure does not include the unreliable short lived grease sticks in the sky themselves - most of which will not last 20 years as South Texas already has done, despite direct hits by several major hurricanes - but will blow apart well before then.
Have a nice denialist evening.