A nice song, Against the Wind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcDCvQbOdig *
There is no one fix, it is an integrated solution with many components.
But to the argument, mostly I think the problems come with how wind power is variable. The article has the quote that sums up much of the problems that cause wind issues.
Because electricity cannot be stored easilyI think Germany had an idea where electrical energy was stored by pumping water up to a reservoir then in lower wind times, the water could run down and run hydro plants. Although there is a loss of efficiency to that.
But there is another way, but it is tough to integrate because of chicken egg type paradigm. Hydrogen and oxygen are separated easily using energy. So excess generation could be used to create fuel for almost no pollution engines running on fuel cells.
Basically if wind gets high enough of a percent that there is too much wind during peak times, that power can be used to create hydrogen, and if spread out not centralized, anyone could add to the grid with power or if grid is maxed, then use that power to add to hydrogen fueling stations. Anyone could open a gas station with just windmills.
Sure it might not be as cheap as coal, might even be more labor intensive to build and maintain in the beginning. But the only reasons for wanting less labor is more profit or cheaper end user price.
If more people have jobs, that is a good thing, and if it cost more, is that really more then the other issues around being dependant on foreign oil? Seriously, what is the cost to try and maintain the oil fields in the middle east over the last 10 years.
It is almost the difference between how it effects one person, and how it effects many people. If a way is made to make massive investment into industries like wind, then instead of paying people unemployment, they can be paid to build windmills, or electric engine replacements, or even more labor intensive fuel stations that have hot swap energy cells.
People are going to be paid enough to have food and shelter anyway, so why not instead create some jobs with that tax money and put those people back to work, most of them want to work, and the feeling of having a job is a good thing for most people.
You could argue that government should not create jobs, but the jobs government creates is for social good, since that, in theory is how they get elected. The argument that business creates jobs is not true, demand creates a need for product, then business will fill that demand by hiring people. The demand for product creates jobs, if left to business they will cut jobs every chance they get, only when forced by demand for some service or good will they create a job. Because in the business world, an unemployed person does not hurt the bottom line, but in the governmental social model it does, since everyone pays taxes for it. So government is incentivized to put people to work, and business is incentivized to cut labor costs.
Same thing with economies of scale, it makes for less need for labor, if the divide between rich and poor was not increasing, you could argue that, but the effect of such matters is for those that want more at the top. Most of society does not want that.
And to the people that think there are verses that say those with money should get more money, those without money should lose money, I think they think of everything in terms of money, which is the opposite of the comments in the rest of that source. It is possible those with compassion, comfort, peace of mind, delight, happiness, will get more of those things.
If consolidation of wealth is argued with that verse, then it may end up they get all the money, but it may end up that would be the only thing they would have, and nothing else, as they lose some other things.
*Note on the song, when it says
never worrying about paying or how much I owe, do you think that is about money? Why would a person think that?