WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The U.S. Department of Energy Monday announced awards totaling $40 million for two teams proposals for the DOE's Next Generation Nuclear Plant project.
The Department said the results of work by Westinghouse Electric Co. and General Atomics would help determine whether the Administration will move forward with the next generation demonstration project.
The demonstration would test the viability of high-temperature gas-cooled reactor technology to produce electricity and heat for industrial applications, the DOE said. Combined heat-and-power projects increase energy efficiency.
The Department said it will now negotiate the final terms and conditions for the awards with the intention of completing conceptual designs by Aug. 31, 2010.
http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20100308-709846.html?mod=WSJ_latestheadlinesNGNP is a Very High Temperature - Gas Cooled - Gen IV reactor.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_high_temperature_reactorThe higher temperature and gas cooled nature reduces water usage and heat wasted into cooling water. This open up new possibilities:
a) combined cycle generation (steam + turbine) for thermal efficiency >40%
b) high temperature hydrogen production (at high enough temperature and pressure water can be cracked into H2 and O2 without electrolysis).
c) electricity + industrial heat applications
DOE eventually wants to build a prototype to test real world efficiencies.
Commercial Gen IV plants won't be ready to construction for at least two decades so this is the first baby step but still good to see tax dollars working on emission free future solutions.