"A couple years ago global warming was the hot term to describe how our earth atmosphere was getting filled up with too much CO2.
Then, the liberals/progressive or whatever they want to be called thought that global warming might be the incorrect term, because although the temperature of the earth on average is increasing, in some places the average temperature might decrease. And to describe an ecosystem where some places have increasing temperature and other decreasing have decreasing temperature, ‘change’ is a more accurate term.
I can see why they did they did this. They wanted to be more correct and also show that this issue affects all people and in different ways."
"No, I’m not part of any political party. However, republicans have traditionally been good at the branding and framing of issues and democrats have not. This is yet another example of this. Instead of climate change it should be called
climate disruption. In my mind, disruption makes me scared. I think of someone breaking into my house, or getting robbed, or a perfectly working engine that breaks down. To me, it brings up imagery of a system that used to work well that broken and
needs to be fixed ASAP."