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CBS: How America Could Get Rich by Going Green

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OKIsItJustMe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-09-10 06:56 PM
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CBS: How America Could Get Rich by Going Green
BEIJING, March 9, 2010

How America Could Get Rich by Going Green

China is Cashing in its Emerging Energy Sector - What Solutions Will Help the U.S. Catch Up?

By Celia Hatton

CBS News correspondent Celia Hatton reports wind turbines that can be seen slicing the sky above rural Minnesota were manufactured more than 6,000 miles away by a Chinese company. They're helping to power the nearby town of Pipestone.

"The wind is blowing nearly all the time," said Pipestone resident Elmer Stoltenberg. "We should take advantage of that."

In New Jersey, one Rutgers University campus gets 10 percent of its energy from 7,000 solar panels also made by a Chinese company.

China has a dirty reputation as the world's factory, but its emerging green energy sector is threatening to leave the United States in its dust.

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madokie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-09-10 07:07 PM
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1. The industries were telling us this would be what they would be doing in the future when we enacted
our environmental laws. The mistake here was our government letting them move their manufacturing there. It matters not what it is we can build it here better and with less pollution but the companies can't make as much money today, 'right now' so they off shore everything they can and now they are starting to worry about having any buyers for their wares anymore. Henry Ford figured this out over a hundred years ago when he had to start paying a fair wage so he could have some buyers for his cars.
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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-09-10 07:39 PM
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2. Gore was telling us this years ago.
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