So I posted this, which was refuted as above;
Antarctic ice is not growing -that's just false. The Antarctic ice sheet is really 3 areas; east, west, and Antarctic peninsula. The west and peninsular areas are losing ice. The east area is unchanged, or growing a bit - most studies show.
Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) (climate change denier) published a report with the headline: "Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007." Inhofe was citing Duncan Wingham who said the Antarctic ice sheet if growing. For only the eastern area is this true or partly true. And he fails to mention that the increased snowfall in that area is induced by climate change. Wingham said parts of the Antarctic ice sheet are growing, and that must have been missed.
That was in 2007 too IIRC. And many of his "prominent scientists" are actually just economists, unknowns, unpublished, and hired-gun climate change deniers. Things are heating up. It's getting hot in here.
journal Science, Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting
World's largest ice sheet melting faster than expected, Sunday 22 November 2009 18.00 GMT East Antarctic ice sheet, which makes up three-quarters of the continent's 14,000 sq km, is losing around 57bn tonnes of ice a year into surrounding waters, according to a satellite survey of the region.
Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater
ScienceDaily (Feb. 6, 2009) catastrophic increase in sea level, already projected to average between 16 and 17 feet around the world, would be almost 21 feet in such places as Washington, D.C., scientists say, putting it largely underwater. Many coastal areas would be devastated.
Melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet may affect Earth's rotation
May 22, 2009 study in the journal Science has found that the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would change the focus of the planet's gravitational field and sea levels would rise disproportionately around North America and the Indian Ocean.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, along with the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and Greenland, is one of the three great ice sheets of the world. Of the three, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is believed to be the most unstable, because much of its base rests on rock that is below sea level. It’s thought that this fact makes it vulnerable to melting and relatively rapid disintegration.