We acctually have the ability to figure out how to safely conduct certain proven laboratory scale proccesses on an industrial scale economically.
And instead of attempting to maximize profit potential of each separate process, we aim for simply breaking better than even over the entire cycle of opperation even at the expense of low or negative profitability of individual proccesses. ie. selling stable and industrially and medically useful radionucleides at below their production costs.
Given that, the safe operation commercial of a liquid salt reactor
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molten_salt_reactor is a viable option.
- Inherently safe operation is achieved through a design that takes advantages of inherent physics and chemistry to forces all possible failure modes down self damping paths.
- Absolute worst case accident scenario is a spill of material that does not disperse and can be cleaned up quickly with remotely controlled construction machinery; no plume to be carried away on the wind, and very low solubility to facilitate becoming waterborn.
- Scalable to a far greater degree than existing designs. Potentially to the level of safely powering railway locomotives and similar sized machinery, eg. mining equipment.
- Cheaper construction.
- Waste production is 800 kg per GW year, much much less than produced by a conventional uranium burner;
- Waste radiotoxic lifetime is 300 years as oposed to tens of thousands;
- Considerably lower proliferation/weaponisation potential of fuel than existing reactors.
- Many end products have considerable economic value and radioactive decay modes run fast enough to make extraction for commercial purposes viable; and
- Very short lived products have numerous medical uses.
The primary problem is the dificulty of some of the chemistry/proccessing. It's all possible, but expensive. But there are considerable secondary and tertiary benefits that offset the costs considerably. Particularly in terms of offseting the extremely difficult requirements of extremely long term storage and the amount that has to be stored.
Coal waste is both enormous in volume and in the required storage periods for waste materials. Essentially we are ultimately relying on geological proccesses and slow dispersion into the environment to take over looking after the problem from us in the long term. Then there is of course the CO2 which to date we have ignored entirely.
Solar power has a similar or larger land requirement than coal waste storage. Coexistence with other land uses is a virtual must. Here the solar tower concept comes to the fore, where greenhouses are part of the structure.
Over time land is probably the most problematical single cost, and molten salt nuclear reactor and the disposal/sequestration of the waste has the smallest land footprint by far. Low land footprint for generation and reprocessing is such that small reactors can be situated close to the demand.
Virtually all the cons are addressable in the form of how can we do it cheap enough to make the rest possible. And one of the counter intuitive benefits is that with nuclear it will be addressed in exactly that form and not the current practice of cheap as possible to maximise absolute and percentage profit right now. Even discounting community sentiment regarding a nuclear incident, going for the biggest buck per reporting period and taking chances not at all attractive since virtually all costs when they do come are to the operators in the form of lost profits and the most major cost to the commuinity is loss of service.