100 New Nuclear Reactors: A Solution to Climate Change?
A Reality Check on Nuclear Expansion
Claim: Nuclear energy is an inexpensive way to power our economy.
Fact: Building new nuclear reactors would be the one of the most expensive and inefficient ways to
power our economy. To construct 100 new nuclear plants in the United States would cost $1.9
TRILLION to $4.4 TRILLION more over the life of the 100 reactors than generating the same amount
of electricity from efficiency and renewable measures.(1) Building 100 new reactors would: (2)
• Add $11 to $26 per month for an average ratepayer’s bill (3)
• Add $1.4 billion to $3.2 billion per month to ratepayers’ bills
• Add $1.3 billion to $3.1 billion per month to commercial/small business sector’s bills, costs
that will be passed off to consumers
If new reactors were economic, the nuclear industry wouldn’t be seeking to shift the risk from
investors to taxpayers and ratepayers through loan guarantees and/or rate increases prior to
Claim: Taxpayer-backed loan guarantees for the first 6-8 projects would jump-start the nuclear
Fact: If loan guarantees for approximately 6-8 new reactors were all that was needed to jump-start
the construction of 100 new reactors, the nuclear industry wouldn’t be seeking over a hundred
billion dollars in loan guarantees. In the 2008 solicitation for the Energy Department’s Title XVII
Loan Guarantee Program,(4) the nuclear industry applied for $122 billion worth of loan guarantees for
21 reactors. Congress has authorized $18.5 billion in loan guarantees for new reactors; DOE has said
that this will guarantee a portion of four reactors. Exelon has cancelled two proposed reactors in
Texas because it is not in line for these guarantees.(5)
Providing loan guarantees for 100 new reactors would:(6)
• Put $800 billion of the U.S. Treasury at risk, which is greater than the $700 billion Troubled
Asset Relief Program (TARP)
• Potentially cost U.S. taxpayers $200 billion in defaults(7)
Even before the current credit crisis, Wall Street has made it clear that it won’t invest in new nuclear
reactors unless taxpayers assume the financial risk. Why? According to the Congressional Budget
Office, the default rate for nuclear loan guarantees is “very high – well above 50 percent.”(8) Not just
CBO, but credit agencies like Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s also rate nuclear ventures as extremely
risky. In a June 2009 Special Comment, Moody’s concluded that loan guarantees “will only modestly
mitigate increasing business and operating risk profile.” As a result, “the likelihood that Moody’s will
take a more negative rating position for most issuers actively seeking to build new nuclear generation
is increasing.” On July 15, 2009, Moody's lowered SCANA Corp.’s bond rating because of the
utility’s proposed VC Summer reactor in South Carolina.
Claim: 100 new reactors were easily built from the 1970s to1990s with the use of ratepayer funds.
Fact: Commercial reactors were built in the United States between the late 1950s and the early
1990s. In 1990, 110 reactors were operating in the United States; there are 104 operational plants
today. According to NRDC, more than 130 proposed U.S. power reactors were cancelled before
becoming operational. Of these reactors, the majority was cancelled before construction, one was
cancelled after construction was completed, 20 were cancelled during construction, and another 22
were cancelled after a construction permit was issued. Many of them were paid for by ratepayers in
advance of construction, a practice which many public utility commissions have since disallowed due
to the cost-overruns and sunk costs left to ratepayers for reactors that never opened. Several utilities
went bankrupt or nearly went in the process.
New reactors face similar prospects for construction delays and cost overruns as in the 1970s and
1980s. Areva’s EPR design currently being built in Finland – the same design being proposed at 4 sites
in the U.S. – is 3 years behind schedule and more than $2 billion over budget thus far.(9) Moreover,
new nuclear reactors face an even more daunting prospect – competition from energy efficiency and
cleaner, cheaper, and quicker to market renewable sources of electricity. There is no market for new
reactors unless the industry is successful in rigging its future market share with significant federal
Claim: The slow-moving pace of nuclear energy expansion is based on politics and not technological
or economic realities.
Fact: The licensing process for new reactors was streamlined in the 1992 Energy Policy Act; no
utilities applied for Combined Construction and Operation licenses until federal loan guarantees were
enacted in the 2005 Energy Policy Act. These applications were submitted before reactor designs
have been finalized. Of the reactor designs currently under review, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission has only approved one design, the AP1000. However, GE has recently submitted its 17th
technical revision to the design, which will likely not be finalized until at least 2012. As changes are
made to the design, changes must also be made to the application, seriously complicating the licensing
Claim: Nuclear reactors are highly profitable. TVA paid back $1.8 billion construction loan in only 3
Fact: Existing reactors are making enormous profits, because the debt was in large part paid off as
“stranded costs” when states deregulated their electricity sector in the 1990s. The costs were
“stranded” because the cost of electricity from nuclear reactors couldn’t compete with other energy
sources in a competitive market. State legislatures agreed to continue to pass the excess cost of
nuclear reactors to the local ratepayers, regardless of the fact that the market was delivering
electricity at far lower costs.
TVA has nearly $25 billion in debt, over half of which is due to failed nuclear construction projects in
the 1970s. The Brown's Ferry reactor came online in 1973 and was shut down after a fire in 1975.
The financing to restart this reactor was a fraction of the amount of money necessary to build a
completely new reactor. Even with a generous interest rate of 5%, $2 million per day in revenue
would still not be enough to pay the annual interest plus operating costs for a new reactor after a
ten-year construction period.
Mark Cooper, The Economics of Nuclear Reactors, Vermont Law School, June 2009,
100 new 1,200 MW reactors with 90% capacity would produce 19.7% of EIA 2030 projected generation
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/pdf/0383(2009).pdf). For excess costs, see Cooper June 2009 study (reference 1). For
number of residential and commercial consumers, see
http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/esr/table5.html. 3
This is an average of all U.S. ratepayers, many of whom will not actually getting any electricity from new nuclear; rates
will be higher for those ratepayers who get a higher percentage of their electricity from new nuclear.
Title XVII was authorized in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Exelon delays plan for Texas nuclear plant, June 30, 2009,
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Exelon-delays-plan-for-Texas-apf- 2027456272.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=1&asset=&ccode
Assuming a new reactor costs $10 billion, 80% loan guarantees for 100 new reactors would equal $800 billion.
According to the Government Accountability Office, the default rate for new reactors is 50% with an asset recovery of
50% in the event of a default (see page 19 of
Congressional Budget Office cost estimate of S.14, Energy Policy Act of 2003, May 7, 2003,
http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/42xx/doc4206/s14.pdf 9
James Kanter, “In Finland, Nuclear Renaissance Runs Into Trouble,” New York Times, May 28, 2009,
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/29/business/energy-environment/29nuke.html?pagewanted=1 The potential impact on the public from safety or waste management failure and the link to
nuclear explosives technology are unique to nuclear energy among energy supply options.
These characteristics and the fact that nuclear is more costly, make it impossible today to
make a credible case for the immediate expanded use of nuclear power.
- The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT (2003)