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Parents of Oregon Worker Killed in Wind Turbine Collapse File Suit.

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NNadir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 06:29 PM
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Parents of Oregon Worker Killed in Wind Turbine Collapse File Suit.
Edited on Thu Mar-11-10 06:29 PM by NNadir

The parents of a 34-year-old technician who died when the 230-foot wind-turbine tower he was in collapsed to the ground in a Sherman County wheat field is suing for $7 million.

In their lawsuit, Gail Eikanas and Jerry Mitchell fault the Danish turbine maker Siemens Wind Power A/S, the Klondike Wind Farms III and owners PPM Energy, among others. Their son, Chadd Mitchell, died in August 2007. He was the father of two.

The suit was filed Thursday in Multnomah County Circuit Court. According to the suit, the wind turbine's rotor went into "overspeed," causing the structure to crash to the ground and crush Mitchell.

In early 2008, the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division fined Siemens Power Generation $10,500 for safety violations, after a six-month investigation...

A father of two.

We. Couldn't. Care. Less.

The number of fathers of two killed by tritium in Vermont is zero. In fact the number of people of any type, fathers, mothers, children, single people, males, females, and hermaphrodites is, um, zero.

(In fact the number of such people demonstrably contaminated with tritium is zero.)">Parents of technician killed in Sherman County wind-turbine collapse file suit.

The number of people who were killed by the Trojan Nuclear Power plant in Oregon - another plant that was destroyed by ignorance and fear and replaced by dangerous fossil fuel mining and dangerous fossil fuel waste dumping - was, um, zero.

Since 1990, two years before the destruction of the Trojan Nuclear Plant through appeals to fear and ignorance - in 1990 the plant produced 12% of Oregon's electricity in one small building - the percentage of electric power in Oregon provided by burning dangerous fossil fuels and dumping the waste in the atmosphere has risen from 4% to 36%.

Most of Oregon's electricity is obtained from hydroelectric, because they hate it there if a single river runs free. In the 20 intervening years, the hyped "other renewables (not hydro)" industry in Oregon - which mostly involves clear cutting forests and burning them and dumping the resulting carcinogens in um, the atmosphere - has managed to rise to produce just 5.8% of Oregon's electricity.

So much for the delusional claims (or outright deliberate lies) of anti-nukes of that era that they planned to replace Trojan's energy with some kind of fancy renewable energy scheme.

Since the destruction of the Trojan Nuclear Plant via appeals to fear and ignorance, the dangerous fossil fuel emissions in Oregon have risen by 4.8 million tons per year to 10.7 million tons as of 2008.

The number of anti-nukes who are able to store this dangerous fossil fuel waste in their backyard is zero.
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Tesha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 06:47 PM
Response to Original message
1. The neat thing for you, of course, ...
Edited on Thu Mar-11-10 06:48 PM by Tesha that if anyone has died as a result of nuclear radiation
emitted by a commercial power plant*, it is essentially *IM-
POSSIBLE* to track it back to the root cause.

So when you claim that, for example, tritium hasn't killed anything
or anyone, you're basically blowing smoke, but no one can prove

It's a neat racket, actually. In fact, a whole industry is based on it.


* We know, of course that people have died as a result of prompt
critically accidents in the nuclear industry, but it's convenient for
you to ignore those too.

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NNadir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 07:28 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. The neat thing for you would be if you familiarized yourself with the scientific
Edited on Thu Mar-11-10 07:28 PM by NNadir

That doesn't seem likely though.

Were you to do that, you would learn that we have learned that the epidemiology of tritium is well understood in quantitative terms.

Failing that, the neat thing for me would be if you acknowledged just one of the more than two million people who died last year from dangerous fossil fuel waste, or any of the more than 65 million people Lancet reports will die, unremarked, over the next 23 years in China from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease actually fucking matter.

But that's not the anti-nuke mentality. The anti-nuke mentality consists of an arbitrary and morally vapid calculus that assumes that the lives of 65 million people are not worth the lives of one or two people about whom they have a vapid fetish.

It consists of an illiterate calculus that only nuclear power need be perfect and all the other shit that anti-nukes don't care about can kill at will.

Nuclear power is the world's largest source of primary climate change gas free energy. It is, in fact, larger than all other forms of climate change gas free energy combined.

It doesn't need to be perfect to be vastly superior to all the shit that anti-nukes couldn't give a fuck about.

It only needs to be vastly superior, which, happily, it is.

Have a nice oblvious consumerist evening.
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Tesha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 08:47 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. You seem a bit more strident than you used to be.
Your posts are far more filled with ad hominem attacks than they used to be.

Are we, perchance, getting to you? That would be a real shame.

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Javaman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-12-10 12:29 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. He got warned about his attacks...
note that he doesn't call anyone fundies anymore.

He's trying hard to learn to share his blocks. :)

Instead he uses ad hominem attacks. Same coin, different side.
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