Villagers in North Yorkshire claim trucks travelling past their homes to get to a construction site are causing structural damage to their properties.
A wind farm is being built at Newland, Selby and vehicles have been accessing the site via a narrow lane.
Resident Pamela Emmerson said: "Most residents have felt shaking... like there's been an earthquake."
Wind Prospect, developers for the wind farm, said it was working with agencies to minimise disruption.
The concerns centre on a variation to the access route to the site that was approved by the council, following an application by Wind Prospect.
Ms Emmerson said: "In the last couple of weeks I've had cracks appearing in my walls, my neighbour has had severe cracks appearing in most of her rooms in her property.">Wind farm truck vibrations 'damage Selby houses'
Given the rather short life span of wind turbines, this sort of thing may continue at least until the petroleum for the trucks runs out.
The good point though is jobs! jobs! jobs!
The less good point concerns energy/mass density.